Irrespective of how tough you try and make your self believe that what you already have is very good adequate for your want, you'll find nevertheless numerous more products come along in the market place. So there will be numerous questions constructing up inside your mind, are they very good adequate? That is the most effective? Is it challenging to make use of? Can I afford? According to that fact, we proudly present you our Amped Wireless High Power Wireless-N 600mW Amplified Router (R10000) That is the smartest and ideal first selection that everybody need to choose. And you'll in no way regret it following. Because we're really concentrate on your demand and high quality of our product. Not only that, we also hardly pay attention on the functional and appearance too. Our Amped Wireless High Power Wireless-N 600mW Amplified Router (R10000) may be the most careful technology. And also combine the most intelligent system that's really simple to function. On the other hand, the most durability is included.
From this moment on you'll not been bothered with the challenging function any longer. We had been developing and developing this exceptional product for you and your home. Do not spend any more time to vacillate to acquire our product into your home. There is certainly no doubt that our Amped Wireless High Power Wireless-N 600mW Amplified Router (R10000) will increase your living life style to make your home closer towards the fantasy home where you had been dreaming to live in for ages. Your dream living way of life just isn't out of reach anymore.
Be sure that you are adding our Amped Wireless to become the very first selection of your home improvement list. we're confident that acquiring our product is your ideal selection for you and your really like home.
Click here to see Amped Wireless High Power Wireless-N 600mW Amplified Router (R10000) full review
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The Amped Wireless High Power Wireless-N 600mW Smart Router provides long range, high performance wireless Internet access over extreme distances. The R10000 is equipped with advanced dual 600mW wireless amplifiers and 5dBi detachable high gain antennas to provide up to 10,000 sq.. of high performance Wi-Fi coverage . The Premium Series Smart Router features ultra fast MIMO Wi-Fi speeds for lag free delivery of HD media, large data files and multiplayer gaming over your network. The High Power Router is great fro providing extreme range Wi-Fi coverage in large homes (and backyards), multi-floor offices or warehouses.
- Provide wireless internet access over large areas (up to 10,000 sq ft.)
- Dual 600mW amplifiers and 5dBi antennas penetrate walls and eliminate Wi-Fi dead spots
- Create wireless networks for guests with restricted access to the Internet
- Adjust the amount of Wi-Fi coverage available supports WPS One Touch Setup, WPA, WPA2
- Parental / Security Features, block websites, set schedules for wireless access and grant access to specific users
- Prioritize Bandwidth (QoS) Eliminate lag for games, VoIP and streaming
- Smart Firewall Protect your network from intruders
- Upgradable Antennas Get even more range with high gain antennas
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