Our Most recent ZyXEL PLA4205kit HomePlug AV 500 Mbps Powerline Wall-plug Adapter (Starter Kit - 2 units) Is Going to Make Your Life Even better
The moment you purchased your first ZyXEL PLA4205kit HomePlug AV 500 Mbps Powerline Wall-plug Adapter (Starter Kit - 2 units) you most likely thought that it absolutely was about to help save you both time and money, after all that ended up being the whole factor behind getting a product in the first place. While it's true that those first varieties did make an improvement and made your life easier, at ZyXEL we believed that it simply was not good enough. You deserved an item that was not just going to help save effort, but would make your life better.
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Although there are numerous different ZyXEL PLA4205kit HomePlug AV 500 Mbps Powerline Wall-plug Adapter (Starter Kit - 2 units) available today, we know that what we did is considered the top elements of all of the different products in existence and used them to develop our most recent edition. One thing that we did observe with so many of the various other products available is they try to amaze you with very long lists of "special" functions that they have incorporated.
Our freshest ZyXEL PLA4205kit HomePlug AV 500 Mbps Powerline Wall-plug Adapter (Starter Kit - 2 units) incorporates its own list of features, but rather than loading it up that includes a number of worthless features, we invested in adding only those our shoppers told us they wanted. We then focused on ensuring all these capabilities functioned correctly, so that you would finally be able to buy the one merchandise that was created with only one factor in mind and that to spare no expense to make Your Life just that tiny bit better than it was.
Powered by the latest IEEE 1901 technology and a Gigabit Ethernet port, ZyXEL's 500 Mbps Powerline Gigabit Ethernet Adapter can provide a stable high-performance network for you to enjoy multiple HD streams, multiplayer gaming and Web surfing simultaneously. With a pair of plug-and-play PLA4205 installed, you can easily extend your home network through any electrical outlet for Internet access by HDTVs, Blu-ray players, DVRs, PCs and game consoles. The advanced Quality of Service (QoS) features improve the quality of multimedia streaming applications such as Triple Play services, HD video streaming, high-speed Internet access and VoIP.
- Plug-and-play for easy installation
- Data transfer rates of up to 500 Mbps* for video streaming and gaming
- Gigabit Ethernet port provides faster wired connection
- QoS enhances media streaming quality
- Power-saving mode reduces energy waste
- Compliant with IEEE 1901 and compatible with Home Plug AV
- Encrypt button for easy security setup
- Multi-colored LED identifies power line network quality
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